Post New Genpact SAP MM (Material Management) Interview Questions
What is a dtd?
Which bitwise operator is used to check whether a particular bit is on or off?
what is the structure of atomic nuclei and how do complex systems derive their properties from their individual constituents?
What are the various tasks in the sap hana which are performed by the modeling studio? : hana administration
How can you handle the –secure-file-priv in mysql?
In OC-n why n X 51.84 Mbps??? How 51.84 Mbps is come it is a limit of STS-1 or something else.???
How to explain a banking project in interview ? like project discription is Client Online Banking Application provides access to information relating to Banking Online Services provided by Axis to View daily customer transactions, Current and Previous customer statements, Transfer funds from Chequing and Savings accounts ................ From interview point of view can any one explain this project in laymans language
Why django ? What is advantages of Django ?
List some database related query function used in cakephp.
What type of certifications do you have? : insurance health
What is an immunotoxin?
What is a native sql query?
What is the use of relational connection and an olap connection?
To which structures do coeloms give birth? Are all animals coelomate?
What are system tools and applications of windows operating system?