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Genpact Accounting General Interview Questions
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P2P cycle with which accounts get effected at each stage

1 14471

On what basis you will define accounting structure

3 9137

What is s bank reconciliation statement? Give an ex where the Bank book and d cash book will not reconcile?

10 21357

Diffirent betwen Capital Expendature & revenue expendature

8 13399

what is the meaning of Bills Receivable?

2 9362

What are the difference between P/l a/c and income and expenditure

12 33884

what is BRS and how it is prepared in BPO sector?? Please answer fast.....

5 18685

how to prepare balance sheet

8 11133

If Pass book & Cash Books Balances are showing same so are you need to BRS ?

17 26911

what is journal

17 19195

what is proviosion for bad debts and provision for bad and doubtfull debts

4 11607

what differance Between Capital reserv and reserve capital?

4 9598

general entry for credit purchases, credit sales, golden rules of accounting,what is contribution.

11 21494


15 19773

Could you tell someting Use's of Trial Balance and where we get the details.

3 5874

Post New Genpact Accounting General Interview Questions

Genpact Accounting General Interview Questions

Un-Answered Questions

How do I change the windows background?


What do you find most satisfying about this job?


What is the life expectancy of ssd drives?


What is an auto-encoder?


What do you understand by compute and storage nodes?


Why linux is virus free operating system?


Which is the most Abundant Alkaline earth element?


What is the t-code to display batch input sessions? : abap bdc


What is the maximum number of levels allowed in ims db?


Explain the angularjs factory?


Why do we need a router in reactjs?


Do you own your content on wordpress?


Tell me what is your strategy for ensuring accuracy? : insurance health


Explain kotlin’s null safety?


Write a function to extract the first name from the string?