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Genpact Call Centre AllOther Interview Questions
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i want to know about call center interviews question

14 36318

I have done B.Sc.(H)Zoology).I went for an interview in a call centre.Cleared seven rounds there.Only I was selected out of 50 people for HR round.In HR round the HR manager asked me "Why you want to join a call centre after doing B.Sc.?" I couldn't answer and lost the interview.

11 30441

when i went to a call center she asked me. where u want to see after few years?

22 71346

if u win 1 crore rupees what will u do ?

131 213424

Why did you leave your last job?

6 18809

Do your skills match this job or another job more closely?

1 11960

why did you want tojoin the call center?

25 49297

how to introduce ourselves

35 65556

what prompted you apply for his job

1 18162

why bpo

22 139460

tell me about ur favourite colour

50 529500

Tell me 2 minutes about traffic hyderabad ?

48 253592

In most of the call centers will they give topic or will they ask to choose any topic?

3 9609

Plz give me the details about how to introduce ourself like the conventional question that is mostly asked at MNCs...."Tell me about u r self"???

41 72019

what due you know about BPO.

5 11547

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Genpact Call Centre AllOther Interview Questions

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