explain the advantages and disadvantages of stored procedure? : Sql dba
How phase to phase voltage comes 440V.
What is the directory structure of laravel 5.6?
How can i read the data in bar code form directly into sap i.e. without being uploading it to TXT file and then uploading to SAP.
what is the ms flat constant for calculating earth mat design calculation?
Will a steel cable become longer if it is heated while under load?
What is parsing of data?
In om, how to get the details for group of employees (ex.) Group of drivers in the organisation?
What is innodb mysql?
The function code currently active is ascertained by what variable ?
i am working in construction company.we have more then one projects.i enter attendance in payroll projectwise.i want salaries in projectwise not overall in payroll autofill. thankyou sir
How to get the index of the clicked field in reports in ABAP?
how calculate esi & pf
How do you hide columns in excel with a sign?
How to Use the WinApi GetObject to get a bitmap?