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Genpact BSRB Clerical Interview Questions
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I want one previous question paper for sbi bank clerk exam sub: computer knowledg

4 9018

in sbi clerk exam conducted on jan 23rd 2011 asked a question in general awareness. Question is "somdeverman related to " and given five options, What are the five options? if any one knows please tell urgently Thank you

4 7272

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Genpact BSRB Clerical Interview Questions

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Which join condition can be specified using on clause?


Hi, I am Jose. I am an Mehcanical Engineer. I am planning to appear for BHEL ET exam.Can any one help me how to prepare fo this test? Is there any question paper pattern for this test?


Should I use angular?


Which is the best institute in chennai to learn Softyware testing? Please help.


What is keyword and identifier?


I am completed diploma in mechanical in 2002, i have 5year experience in materials (purchase) dept,i want to do SAP cource in MM module, i want to know can i complete SAP after diploma cource only, is it usefull to me for further Job opening.


Do you have an idea about MFC?


How does component services used for amazon simpledb?


What are the major problems faced by developing countries in promoting their exports? Suggest some solutions to these problems?


the maximum length of a character constant can be a) 2 b) 1 c) 8


People are motivated by the need for achievement, power, or affiliation according to which theory? A. Expectancy theory B. Achievement theory C. Contingency theory D. Theory X


What is iselignored in jsp?


What is the risk coverage of PM Jeevan Jyoti Bima Yojana?


What does ng view do?


What does rack awareness algorithm means?