If u don't have any Knowledge on perticular application but they give that application to u for Testing ? Then How we wil move towards testing on that application?
16 200741.what is the difference between childobjects and child items in qtp? 2.what is difference between a class and function? 3.can u convert ustimings to indian timings using vbscript? 4.i have scripts in one machine.can i run those scripts in another machine.how?
2 51657How to identify the objects using descriptive programming when the object property values are same, i mean in a page 10 objects are there i want to click the 6th object but all the object property values are same? using descriptive programming
2 7573for example u can take ebay or plifcart online shoping web application--------- write acode in vbscript in qtp---- search box and write (iphone6)and click on go button then opened diff prise iphones in next page but u can select 30,000 to 90,000 list pls write code?
2 5542Post New Genpact QTP Interview Questions
What is a category page in wordpress?
What are the uses of API's in cloud services?
Explain Protocols?
Which instance will you use for deploying a 4-node hadoop cluster in aws ?
Explain the term 'Topic Replication Factor'?
When an unexpected crash or power cut interrupts a process, what will you do?
What is a rack?
What are the components of ms word 2007?
How i found latest design of andriod app and iphone app ?
How can the app authenticate to sharepoint?
What is the meaning of question mark "?" In swift?
What according to you, is the standard approach to supervised learning?
Name the sap ui5 control metadata which are used to configure the ui elements during runtime?
Is there any chance to cache files which are viewed frequently?
You are a project manager for a growing dairy farm. They offer their organic dairy products regionally and are expanding their operations to the West Coast. They're in the process of purchasing and leasing dairy farms to get operations under way. You are in charge of the network operations part of this project. An important deadline is approaching that depends on the successful completion of the testing phase. You've detected some problems with your hardware in the testing phase and discover that the hardware is not compatible with other network equipment. You take corrective action and exchange the hardware for more compatible equipment. Which of the following is true? A. This is not a corrective action involves human resources, not project resources. B. Corrective action is taken here to make sure the future project outcomes are aligned with the project plan. C. Corrective action is not necessary in this case as the future project outcomes aren't affected. D. Corrective action serves as the change request to authorize exchanging the equipment.