I have done B.Sc.(H)Zoology).I went for an interview in a call centre.Cleared seven rounds there.Only I was selected out of 50 people for HR round.In HR round the HR manager asked me "Why you want to join a call centre after doing B.Sc.?" I couldn't answer and lost the interview.
11 30427Post New Genpact Interview Questions
What is structure in c language?
How does hibernate help in the programming?
Explain the advantage of scala over other programming languages?
What is main difference between variable and constant?
What is a trigger oracle?
What are the disadvantages of ms excel?
How to do object security?
what are requirement levels we have to create a new field for an entity?
How do I remove line numbers?
How can one interpolate variables or dynamic variable names?
What is apache struts used for?
What is profile diagram in UML?
Where do you see your career in five years?
what the procedure of filing mvat pls. explain in briefly ?
What you know about random port?