What is the difference between xml dtd and xml schema or xsd?
Can I learn c++ without knowing c?
explain me how will you create a alternate progress bar using bootstrap?
how would you design the process for a nightly, high volume check producing process that needs to select only records that are flagged to be processed?
how can trace the fault in any PCB? what are the steps to find problem & to troubleshoot?
Which vpn protocol is best?
What is difference between conjugate beam and continuous beam ?
Is it possible to Access BackEnd procedures? Explain.
how many drives do you have?
Mention the use of the split function in Python?
A jet of fluid strikes a plate What was the force required to counter it?
What are the prerequisites for creating foreign key relationship?
We have time based workflow and there is action scheduled to be executed. Can we delete that workflow?
Explain different layers which define cloud architecture?
Do apache tomcat generate log files? If yes name them?