what is the difference between user-exit & customer-exit?
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USER EXITS are FORMS and are called by SAP standard programs
using PERFORM.
CUSTOMER EXITS are FUNCTIONS so they are called using CALL
Inside the form (user exit) you can read and change almost
any global data from host program.
Inside a function (customer exit) you can only acces your
import/export/changing/tables parameters.
User exits are more flexible because you have more
information to use in your code but on the other hand , it
is very easy to manipulate erroneously global data and lead
the standard program to a dump or even to make database
Customer exits are more restrictive but you are sure any
change you can make to any parameters will never lead to
User-exit doesn’t have any classification.
In customer-exit we have function-module exit , screen exit
, menu exit.
User exits are Basically designed For SD module.
Costomer exits Are available for MM,SD,FI,HR…..Basically
designed for all modules.
Is This Answer Correct ? | 174 Yes | 8 No |
Answer / kaliaperumal panneerselvam
While changing User-exit,Access Key is required, whereas in
Customer-exit no access key is needed.
Is This Answer Correct ? | 127 Yes | 34 No |
Answer / mahadeo d. kedari
Difference Between User Exit and Customer Exit in SAP:::
1)--User Exit is the include program.Where we need the access key to add the code.
-- Customer exit are the functions where we does not need access key to add the code
2)--User exit are the empty sub routines that SAP Provides,we can fill the code as per the requirement
--Customer exit are provided to the customer in the form of function module which holds the INCLUDE in the customer namespace
3)--The user exit affects the SAP Standards.
--The Customer exit does not affects SAP Standards
4)--A user exit is a three character code that instructs the system to access a program during system processing
--SAP creates customer exits for specific programs, screens, and menus within standard R/3 applications
Is This Answer Correct ? | 15 Yes | 1 No |
user exits are available in only SD module where as customer exits are available in all modules.
Is This Answer Correct ? | 22 Yes | 17 No |
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