What is Target Update Override? What is the Use ?

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What is Target Update Override? What is the Use ?..

Answer / srinu

When we don't have primary keys defined on database level.
And still we need update on this target from Informatica.
We neeed to define keys at informatica level and use update
override in target property. This way we can update the


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What is Target Update Override? What is the Use ?..

Answer / kalyan

I guess Ans # 2 is not correct.. We can't write query on
flat files.. Please correct me I am wrong..

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What is Target Update Override? What is the Use ?..

Answer / koti.

to update a relational file we should maintaian a primary
key on target. if we dont have such type of keys then we
should go for target update overide

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What is Target Update Override? What is the Use ?..

Answer / cv4u.dl

Thaks Srinu & Himanshu for posting answers.

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What is Target Update Override? What is the Use ?..

Answer / jayram

i think above answer is correct. if we dont have such type
of keys then we
should go for target update overide

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What is Target Update Override? What is the Use ?..

Answer / vikneswaran

Target Update Override is used update the target table..
should give the update statement to the override section
depend on the condition the target table will be updated

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What is Target Update Override? What is the Use ?..

Answer / divakar

The answer #1 is correct but I also think that this can be
used for updating when target is flat file too

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What is Target Update Override? What is the Use ?..

Answer / himanshu

The answer #1 is correct but I also think that this can be
used for updating when target is flat file too

Is This Answer Correct ?    0 Yes 17 No

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