In ABAP What is the Use of "FOR ALL ENTRIES" Clause & when it is being used. And what it really does?
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What is the static import?
difference between mto
What are interface/conversion programs in SAP?
how do u estimate the number of partitions that a mapping really requires? Is it dependent on the machine configuration?
What is alias mechanism? Explain.
why single phase to grd test in HV cable?why not 2 phase at a time?
What is the incorrect operator form following list(== , <> , >= , <=) and what is the reason for the answer?
The process conditions of the fuel gas are as follows: Temperature = 25 deg C Pressure = 4 bar g Calculate the line size for the fuel gas supply line to the superheater
What is white box testing and list the types of white box testing?
What is time-dependent workflow? : salesforce admin
What are PCA, KPCA, and ICA used for?
explain the various functions/directives in perl that allow you to include/import a module. Also, state the differences between them.
Does wordpress have cookies? Why?
Can arraylist store objects?