I have 12MW gas engine based power plant its running parallel
with grid. my problem is When cpp run in island mode(without
geb) that time geb transformer power factor is 0.2 lagging.
When cpp run with parallel that time power factor is 0.94 lagging
So how can i maintain power factor ofgeb transformer in island
mode 0.9 lagging?
Answer / perladelsur
I had been involved in similar scenary in a 1500 MT/D chamical plant where we operated in synchonized normal operation mode condition but in case of public electrical system disturbance due to severity storn, we were about to go into the islaned mode operation.
What we did was, to install an automatic power factor control (APFC) bank to put an end at this problem so we reach o.96 PF during islaned operation.
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