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Synergy Interview Questions
Questions Answers Views Company eMail

For what type of applications Rapid Test Script Wizard available?

3 8301

What is the difference between typeof(foo) and myFoo.GetType()?

2 12341

What are the differences between Database Trigger and Integrity constraints ?

2 6494

What is custom control. What is the difference between custom control and user control ?

1 6048

Tell about your current project and your role in it?

1 11865

What is CTS, CLS and CLR ?

20 73900

when errors occurs in ur script wat will u do

11 15472

What is user exit.?

2 7650

tell me about yourself ?

57 275299

What r the functional testing u perform?


What is mean by Sanitation Testing?

17 49999

what is the diff between ad hoc and exploratory testing ?

5 10223

how can i pass a "automation script" as a parameter in a function give me need full suggestion thank inadvance


Why do we write test cases?

10 37227

To Write a C program to remove the repeated characters in the entered expression or in entered characters(i.e) removing duplicates.

19 126655

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Un-Answered Questions

What is ora-1555 snapshot too old error? Explain in detail?


What is the biological term for programmed cell death?


What are the topics in pl sql?


In SAP Script,How to display a single field(like matnr)at the right end of the form.


List out all different kinds of collections supported by salesforce?


How do I debug a program in windows 10?


In a two node cluster i have typed #hastart command in one node.The cluster is starting in second node also,what is going in background?


What selenium components do you know?


Name the translations available in drupal?


Why we not create function inside function.


What is a closure in php?


What methods of robot class do you know?


Does Mirus Jurkat TransIt is effective reagent?


Explain the usage of this with constructors?


What are the functions of ms word?