Whether capacitor loads can be connected for testing a
diesel engine at its full load capacity? Is there any
limitation of capacotir load? Which is the best load for
testing DG sets?
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Answer / sudhir
Capacitor is not suitable load for Engine testing, It will
trip high Voltage of AVR if it is sycronous generator.
Best loag for testing resistive.
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Answer 1 is correct.
Normally a resistive load is used for testing a DG. As most
DG's are rated at 0.8 lagging power factor the resistive
load is calculated at unity power factor load on the DG.
This is usually 80% of the kva rating. This tests the
engine to full load.
Where it is required to test the generator at full load
also an induction load is used together with the resistive
load to give the correct power factor.
Capacitor loads are not normally used as DG's do not
operate safely on leading power factors.
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