we are using three transformer 33000/430 vac for three
separet block.all three transformer have three LT panel
separetly. can be Interconnected all three panel through bus
coupler. this is permissable or not by state electricity board.
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Answer / sgthakur
Obviously ths is permissible.
1. carry on the PI test of each trans.It should not be less
than 2.00
2.Kva rating must be same
3 Percentage impdence must be same if diff .,parallaling
can be done but trans load shsring may be diff.
4 vector Gr.must be same
5If the Trans. HT source coming fr. diff. source, before
connecting them parallel phase ballancing and phase
seq.test must be done.
6.Other paralling condn. ie freq., voltage must be same as
7. On LT side trans. tape must be kept in same pos.
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Answer / manoj dubey
apart from above said pl. also check for your switchgear
rating for fault current as you parallel the system your
system fault current level will increase so your system
should be able to take care of it.
Is This Answer Correct ? | 2 Yes | 0 No |
Answer / k.prakashchandra
It is permitted if you have individual self protected switch
gears for outgoing feeders
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