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Torrent Power Interview Questions
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What are the different sizes of cables for H.T and L.T side of supply?

7 65289

what is the differnce between SCR and diode rectifier?

23 70105

What is meant by Active and reactive power?

23 104546

what is the difference between earthed and unearthed cable?

24 53650

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2 9562

What is Vk and Imag i.e Knee point voltage & Magnetising Current? How to calculate above values? How to define accuracy class 5P10?

7 50855

In a 11000/440 V transformer, when any one phase of 11 KV supply fails (ie., single phasing), what happens to the secondary voltage and why?

3 19881

3. What is Impedance Voltage in Transformer?

16 110093

how we can calculate which capacity capacitor bank we have to add for improve pf?

3 14667

What do you mean by validation, whats are the different steps of validation? whats are the steps followed in process validation?

2 10050

How to calculate LT Network length in power distribution ? Service cable length considered or not?


what is the advantage of DC Motor over AC motor & Where its applicable ?

4 24553

What is the lower limit of megger value for 66/11KV power Transformer ?

7 18030

what is the role of frontline manager in pharma sales?

5 24908

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7 11399

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Is there a fit to page option in word?


How many types of debit card do the banks provide to their customers in india?


What is the difference between registerclientscriptblock and registerstartupscript?


how to do Restricting nodes and Hierarchies through characteristic values and authorization objects


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why we use -48V in nokia BTS


Is sizeof a keyword in c?


How to create a widget in wordpress?


List out important characteristics of a SOAP envelop element?


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What is arraylist class in c#?


What is a summary report?


What is difference between secondary namenode, checkpoint namenode & backupnod secondary namenode, a poorly named component of hadoop?


Difference between nil and false in ruby?