which motors is used in
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What is the limitation of kirchoffs law?
how to determine the cable size...pls explain me with the formula taking particular load....does the factors like impedance & short circuit rating influence the cable size, if so how....
what are the sections in a high voltage system(eg:incomer,buscoupler,isolator
depletion layer will form beforre biase or after bias ?
Acually generator neutral is earthed,if suppose cable from neutral is brokened under theearth ,what will happen.
NGR? What is NGR?
how much importance of power factor in single phase. is it,s importance is quiet same as like three phase power system.
What is the intent of short circuit studies?
why motor burns ?
How to arrange a hous hold earthing system to keep minimum earth resistance( below 7ohms).
why we can stote dc? why we cant store ac?
What is WLD System????
3 Answers Emerson, HCL, Honeywell, Tata Communications,