Waht is "READ TABLE" command?? Whats the use of it??
Whats the syntax of the same?
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Answer / parthasarathi
Read Table command is used for to read data from an intenal table. it reads one record at a time.if u want all record from internal table means, you to put read statement in a loop.
Syntax: read table [internal table name] into [workarea] where [condition].
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Answer / pramada oram
Below given are 2 types of syntaxes for READ statement
which are used in common.
1)Read table itab into wa with key fname1 = fname2.
fname1 is the field defined in internal table 'itab'
and work area 'wa'.
fname2 is the field defined in the table corresponding to
which the read statement is used.
2)Read table itab into wa with index index_no.
* Here itab and wa should have the same structure.
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Answer / pramada oram
In the above given answer there is a correction for the
syntax using index.
2)Read table itab into wa index index_no.
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Answer / sayak roy
for better performance please use the below syntax.
SORT it_tab2 BY fname1 fname2.
LOOP AT it_itab1 into wa_itab1.
READ TABLE it_tab2 into wa_itab2
WHERE fname1 = wa_itab1-fname1
fname2 = wa_itab1-fname2
Do the processing.
Even if you read the table with INDEX you can sort the table
depending on what result you are expecting from that read,
means, the order and the priority of the value of the
particular fields expected from that READ statement.
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