Does every abap/4 have a modular structure? : abap modularization
how to transfer two idoc simeltaniously,
What are the three hierarchical levels of data types and objects?
what is current version of sap r/3 ?
What are different ways in which data upload can be done using LSMW?
ABAP : Classical reports events name
what are Joins? How many types are there?
can u call sub screen with in a sub screen? if so, then explain the flow of PBO and PAI between 2 sub screens.
What are the mandatory fields to be filled for BAPI_CUSTOMER_CREATEFROMDATA1
what is the meaning of SCREEN-INPUT = '0/1', SCREEN-ACTIVE = '0/1'. in event AT SELECTION-SCREEN OUTPUT
What does a lock object involve?
What do you mean by pooled tables in sap abap? Also explain what do you mean by table pool? : abap data dictionary
What is the difference between data elements and domains?