Give 3 scenario of reporting due to which you require reporting help of ABAP consultant?
What are the steps to execute session method?
What are internal tables? How do you get the number of lines in an internal table?
If A is the super class of B. And both the classes have constructor. We create an object of class B. Then which constructor will be called? If both then in which order?
In module pool program how to pass the one screen input value to another screen input value?
Module Pool Programming: Events and Table Control handling.
How to maintain Transport Request?
in real time with the help of scripts what we can do?
1) How to maintain lists in dialog programming? 2)How to send greeting with different languages to different regions in smartforms? 3)Can we transfer 100 screen data to pass 200 screen? 4)In reports 1st list o/p can be consider as i/p of 2nd list how it maintains? 5) In lsmw data length 20 chars only but there is 24 chars field how can u manage? 6)What is the diff b/w OK_CODE n SY_UCOMM?
What is system-land-scape of your project?
Which dialog programming section is used to initialize a screen's field values?
Select option?