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How many types of data classes are there in sap?
Where does the Hide data stored
What is locking ?
How to same internal table in same functional module?
11. what is the difference between user-exit & customer-exit?
What are the different types of parameters? How can you distinguish between different kinds of parameters?
How many methods are there in BDC? Which methods you know well?
smartforms have an advantage i.e,both layout and code can combine .but when we go for driver program in smartform?
What are different ABAP editors? What are the differences?
Significance of Hide?
What is the diff b/w load of program and Initailazatio Events? Which event triggers each time we exectute the program?
SAP Script for Billing in which Billing document number was displayed as header, Bill Type, Bill Category, Bill Item, Cost, Base Unit of Measurement and Material number were categorically displayed for each billing document number. plz mention the detail coding Tahnks, Rahul