what is partner profile. in which table it can be stored
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Answer / kiran
Actually we are differentiating customer as partner
profile , ie ship-to-party, sold-to-party, Forwarding
agent. All this partner functions will be stored in VBPA
table for a perticular sales order
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Answer / pawan chauhan
when we talk regarding partner functions ,like in SD module
are Bill to party , sold to party ,ship to party (these are
partner functions .the output of one function is the input
for another .
for getting the partner function details,follows the detail
and table name.
vbpa==sd partner functions
knvp == customer partner functions
EKPA = Partner Roles in Purchasing
WYT3 = vendor partner function
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Answer / nitin
In ALE Scenerio all the boxes which have a direct linkage
with the system(box naming convention with client) can be
considered as partners. For example you can have a
Commerical box connected with a Sales operation box. So you
will have an RFC linkage between the two boxes.SAles box
will have COM as partner and COM will have SOS as pertner.
message types which flow between these boxes will be
configures as Outbound and Inbound on these boxes, these
whole set up is termed as partner Profile
Partner profiles can be of following types:
LS: Logical system
KU: Customer
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create a Report to print Stock & Valuated Stock for Plant (ALV Grid) Selection Screen Ranges: Material Number (MARA-MATNR) Material Type (MARA-MTART) Valuation Class (MBEW-BKLAS) Storage Location (MARD-LGORT) Parameter filed plant (MARD-WERKS) Selection condition: Total valuated stock – MBEW-LBKUM – should be greater than zero Table to be used MAKT,MARD,MBEW,MARA,T001L.. (Use inner joins) Display output: Storage location: (TOO1L-LGORT) Description (T001L-LGOBE) Material No (MARA-MATNR), Material Description (MAKT- MAKTX), Total valuated stock (MBEW-LBKUM), Val of tot valuated stock (MBEW-SALK3), IF MBEW-VPRSV = 'S'. Price – MBEW-STPRS ELSEIF DTAB-VPRSV = 'V'. Price – MBEW-VERPR. ENDIF. Subtotal of Total valuated stock (MBEW-LBKUM), Val of tot valuated stock (MBEW-SALK3), Grand Total of Total valuated stock (MBEW-LBKUM), Val of tot valuated stock (MBEW-SALK3), In the ALV grid display keep a button in the tool bar which on clicking navigates through the screen to the next grid which displays the grand total. Use SET PF_STATUS which is in the FM reuse_alv_grid_display to set the button.
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