What is the difference between get and get late?
scripts are client independent then how to transfer from one client to (i know RSTXR3TR AND SCC1 TCODE )another client?
What is collective search help? : sap abap data dictionary
What is the diffrence between select single * and Select upto 1 row?
Explain the advantages of different types of bdc's?
difference between enhancement and modifying
layout conversion?
Give few names of cluster tables in sap ?
how do you display initial values in a selection screen?
SAP Date Format?
hi this is ramu.my question is :set-screen,call-screen and leave screen differences and when we use those statement while implimenting code.please help me .iam in trails now..
Why do we use Process On Value Request(POV) event instead of data element,search help in module pool.
which one is efficient in following command to copy data from one itab1to another itab2 . both itab table has same structure. 1. move itab1 to itab2 2.move corresponding field of itab1 to itab2 3. itab2[] = itab2[] 4.appends line of itab1 to itab2..