I want to know about DTP in bi 7.
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Answer / srinivasa reddy
DTP: data Transfer processing
simply says.. we r transfering data from PSA to data
tragets...or data targets to data targets.
Is This Answer Correct ? | 44 Yes | 4 No |
Answer / guest
In BW 3.5 we had Infopackage to pull the data at all the
lavels, but now in BI 7.0 Infopackage pull the data only
till datasource/PSA from source thereafter we need to
create the transformation and DTP to pull the data.
So we can say that DTP is used to push the data from one
target to another data target.
Is This Answer Correct ? | 32 Yes | 4 No |
Answer / k m r
DTP is nothging but but a data transfer process in BI 7.0
As most us aware that in BI 7.0 PSA is a mandatory optinon
this DTP process will take care about the data loadings
between PSA and Data target and also updates the data from
Is This Answer Correct ? | 16 Yes | 3 No |
Answer / wahiduzzaman mia
In BI 7.0 InfoPackage used to transfer data from source
system to data source/PSA and data transfer process(DTP) is
used to transfer data from data source/PSA to any data
target/Info provider.
Is This Answer Correct ? | 10 Yes | 1 No |
Answer / emmanuel
As most of the above answers point to the fact that
Infopackage-->PSA and PSA --> Data targets.
The key difference between 3.x and 7.x is that in 3.x an
infopackage would load from a single DS to multiple data
targets (infocubes, ODS etc) so if the source was sending
delta, then the load to targets has to be done as a single
data load to all.,meaning a delta has to get get loaded to
all targets at the same time...you could not load them at
different timings.
Whereas in 7.x, DTP helps in maintaining delta queues from
PSA to different targets...enabling you to load the delta
to each target, independent of the other because each
target will have its own delta Queue maintained. This is a
big change in 7.x and helps in load distribution mechanisms.
Is This Answer Correct ? | 10 Yes | 2 No |
Answer / sadiq
DTP is new in BI 7,
In BW infopackage brings the data from Source Sytem to PSA
& InfoCube(Data Targer).
But from BI7 Infopackage brings data upto PSA. first u need
to create transformation either from
PSA(Data Source)--InfoCube or
InfoCube to PSA(Data Source) when u create transformation
then u can see the field mapping between souce fields to
target fields. Also u have conversion rules etc...
Now u can create DTP two ways...
PSA(Data Source)--InfoCube or
InfoCube to PSA(Data Source)
In Dtp u have 3 sub tabs,
1. Extract Full, Delta (only Change or new data)
2. Update
3. Execute--- Execute button.
After Executing u can go to monitor...
Hope u understand...
Is This Answer Correct ? | 6 Yes | 1 No |
Answer / anar samadzade
Prior to BI 7.0, infopackages were used to transfer data from source systems all the way up to data
Is This Answer Correct ? | 5 Yes | 0 No |
Answer / pratyoosh gawade
basically DTP is used to trigger the loading process from
datasource/psa to data target.u can apply individual
mechanism through DTP to different data target like
weekly,monthly,yearly loading which is not possible through
update rule/BW 3.5
Is This Answer Correct ? | 7 Yes | 3 No |
Answer / madhavapal
in bw infopackage directly transfers the data but in BI 7
infopackage will only bring data to PSA, Data
Transformation Processing will transfer the data from PSA to
the target. PSA is only staging area this will not be a
target(we cant do anything here)
Is This Answer Correct ? | 11 Yes | 8 No |
Answer / vijay komatiganti
DTP Data Transfer Process, DTP is process to load data from
PSA to Data Target.
4 Types in SAP BI
a) Standard DTP
b) Direct DTP
c) Error Stack DTP
Is This Answer Correct ? | 5 Yes | 3 No |
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