I Recently faced the interview in SAP SD.Interviewer asked
the what is the serial no in delivery processing?and also
what is the pgi?and what is the configuration for packing?
and what is the relation between plant and shipping point?
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Answer / sarinvaibhav
Plant is place where goods are manufactured or stored and
shipping point is a place within the plant from where u
ship the goods to the customer. a plant can have n number
of shipping points. we assign diffrent no. ranges to every
document generated in SAP it can be either a manually given
no. or it can be system generated no.. PGI(post goods
issue) is nothing but confirmetion of delivered quantity
and goods actually gets depleted from plant stock when u do
Is This Answer Correct ? | 17 Yes | 3 No |
1.The above definition of serial no is incorrect, whats
written is actually waht we call 'number assignment'.
Serial nos are applicable for delivery when the same is
mentioned in the material master record, the purpose is to
track the individual materials. As for delivery it can be
mentioned while order creation or during delivery. if for a
particular material 'serial no' is maintained in material
master, it must be mentioned before PGI otherwise PGI
wouldn't happen.
2.PGI-Post goods issue, is the last step of
delivery/shipment processing, its the step where the
ownership of the goods transfer to the customer and the
stock is updated. it also forms a link with FI via inventory
3.Plant can be defined as per production, manufacturing and
SD point of view. The assignment of plant and shipping point
is correctly mentioned above
Is This Answer Correct ? | 8 Yes | 0 No |
Answer / bapu
PGI means Post goods issue i,e; inventory was reduced & the
material are ready for transportation.
after PGI material document will generated as well as
financial document also generated. Value of the stock
reduced & sold material value will increase.
Foe packing, material should be packing relevant.
In material master packing material gr should maintain.
packing material should be created & stock should be
initialize. Material type should be VERP & item category
will be LEIH.
in VL01n after picking & before pGI we have to pack the
material by clicking the packing icon
Plant & shipping point relationship is many to many
Is This Answer Correct ? | 9 Yes | 2 No |
Hi Subha,
Name is Mausam not Masumi :)). Well if we are talking abt 'serial number' thats not usually the term we use to address the delivery doc number which we get from the internal/external number assignments.
Now, 'how do we know the serial number comes in delivery document'
We can assign a unique 'serial number' to each material. This allows us to monitor good movement for individual materials. To use serial numbers, enter 'serial number profiles' in the master record of the relevant materials.
Is This Answer Correct ? | 4 Yes | 0 No |
Answer / subha
Hi Masumi
Hope all is well
One question i would like to ask is do you know how the
serial number comes in delivery document to the best of my
knweldge it comes from nu ranges and the explanintion you
gave hold ture for the materials to be processed in
delivery like A101; a102; etc which we give in Material master
Know the question deals with delivery documet processing
and not for material process as i understand
your answer holds right if the question is about materila
processin in dleivery document . Please advice
Is This Answer Correct ? | 1 Yes | 1 No |
Answer / subha
Sr no in delivery is nothing but the number range you give
for the dleivery documents. There are 2 types of no
ranges one is exclusive which you manually give and the
other in inclusive whcih is generated by the sytem when you
save any deluivery document.
goods issue .
oNCE DELIVERY Document is generated we do PGI.
here 2 things happen
1. the goods are reducude fromt he storage location
secondly the salesdocument gets updated
thirdly the G/ l account gets u[pdated
The realtion between palnt and shipping point is one to
many as for one palnt you can assign many shipping points
Is This Answer Correct ? | 0 Yes | 7 No |
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