What is the main difference between Smartforms and SAP
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Answer / nirav mandaliya
1. supports multiple pages ;
multiple pages not supported
2. main window not necessary ;
main window is necessary ;
3. Labels cannot be created ;
Labels can be created ;
4. routines can be written ;
routines cannot be written ;
5. A functional module is generated on activation ;
no functional module gets generated on activation ;
6. smart form is client independent.
sap scripts are client dependent.
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Answer / nagesh
THE main technical differrence b/w scripts and smartforms are ..
1.when we executes smartforms generates a function module script does not.
2.sartforms are web enabled mean we can convert sf to xml format but in scripts we can not.
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Answer / nabeela p.b
1.smart forms are client independent where as sap scripts are client dependent.
2.In sap scripts we have to choose the printer which can print the bar codes also, where as in sap scripts new bar code technology is available which converts bar code data into an image.so it works for all devices.
3. only one page format is available in sap scripts.
several page formats are available in smart forms.
4.smart forms generate XML output which can be viewed through web. In sap scripts no XML OR HTML output.
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Answer / sachin
sap script the tcode is se71 and in smartforms the tcode
is smatforms .smartforms we can do styles where as in
scripts we cannot do . In smart forms we can write the
program there itself. where as in scripts we have to write
a print program in se 38 then we have to link with it
Is This Answer Correct ? | 0 Yes | 1 No |
Answer / raj.neel1
1) Script is Client Dependent.
Smartforms are Client InDependent.
2) Multiple Page formats are possible in Smartforms.
Multiple Page formats are notpossible in Scripts.
3) We can maintain Background Graphics in Smartforms.
4) Scripts doesnot generate any Functionmodules.
Smartforms generate Functionmodules.
5) We can add colours in scripts.
We cannot add colours in Smartforms.
6) Scripts maintains 99 mainwindows .
Smartforms maintains only one Main window.
Is This Answer Correct ? | 23 Yes | 25 No |
Answer / luckycharm
SAP scripts are client dependent and every script program
need a driver program to supports its access, where as s,mart
forms are client independent and as well rquire a driver
Is This Answer Correct ? | 2 Yes | 5 No |
Answer / reddy
1}scripts are cliend dendent , smartforms are client
2}scripts we can maintain 99 main windoes & it can not work
with out mainwindow
smartforms we can maintain only on mein window & in this v
can creat with out main window ,
3} v can write coding in scripts
in smartforms v can write codding
Is This Answer Correct ? | 10 Yes | 25 No |
Answer / venu
smartformsare client dependent and scripts are client
dependent. in scripts all pages can be printed in potrait
or in landscape whereas in smartforms, every page can
follow its way of printing
Is This Answer Correct ? | 4 Yes | 25 No |
Answer / sara george
Smartforms are client independant.
SAP scripts are client independent
Is This Answer Correct ? | 37 Yes | 213 No |
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