1)how can you write select statment in scripts(se71) with
out touching the driver program
While doing bdc exp va01 transaction sometime in the item level data shows only 4 items and other times it will show 6 line items, how will you maintain this kind of screen resolutions scenerio? : abap bdc
How to use a specific number occurs statement?
What will happen when we use single buffered selected?
I created a field and entered the field type, when I double clicked the field type to define the domain; it is asking for an ACCESS KEY, I am not changing any SAP defined tables, working on a user defined table.
What are base tables of an aggregate object?
What are the function modules used in f4 help?
hi experts, "move 'I' to s_ktokd-sign. move 'EQ' to s_ktokd-option." Can any one please explain me meaning of two lines? actually we use this move key word to move a value from one field variable to another field variable? i didn't understand the meaning of these statements?
what is the status code when IDOC is created?
what are the main technical differences between oracle and sap? it would be more helpful to me if get this answer...
In which particular scenario we use sorted table and which particular scenario we use standard table?
What are the dynapro keywords?
What is the transaction for recording bdc ? : abap bdc