Among the Call Transaction and Session Method, which is faster?
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Answer / lokesh
Call Transaction is faster than session method because
while updating data into database call transcation does not
check the updation but it check the success of the
transaction only . where as Session method ,check the
updation of the data into database and also success of the
transaction. That's the reason call transaction is faster
than Session method.
In call transaction Synchronous updation is Optional.
If u wnat to send data & update the data at different times
& want to update data synchronously then need a automatic
error log, then we go for Session method . It is slow.
if call transaction the data that is received will be
updated at the same time.
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Answer / guest
Call transaction is faster then session method. But usually
we use session method in real time...because we can transfer
large amount of data from internal table to database and if
any errors in a session. Process will not complete until
session get correct.
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Answer / madhavav reddy vacada
call transaction is faster because,it does not wait for the
return values while updating data into the database,that
means process is faster,where as session,it waits for
return values that means it processes record by record,so
it will not update the record until unless current record
is processed,i.e reason session is become slow than call
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