Suppose there is check box along with the rows. The
requirement is, select the require check boxes and press a
used defined button to save all these checked row data to
another table. How can you do it?
there are 2 selection screens. material num in screen 200 and plant in screen 300. so how can you write in INITIALISATION event?
Can I execute user exits? If yes, how?
What is the project you are currently working and work that you are doing
What is a development class? : abap data dictionary
What is Routine in ABAP and Types of routines?x
How do you upload the Data?
What is mean SY-SUBRC=8 in BDC(while uploading data).
how to upload open purchase order through BDC
What are the disadvantages of different types of bdc's?
Hat are the different types of mode (run code) in call transaction method?
how many index created for table
20) What is the difference bewtween client dependent tables and client independent tables?