How many types of size categories and data classes are there?
Can you call a bdc from a report program ?
How can I make a differentiation between dependent and independent data?
19) How to create client dependent tables and client independent tables?
plz can any one list out the set of questions on support project. I am waiting for ur reply
hi..i hav developed an interactive report in which alv list display in basic list and 1st secondary list in alv grid display.I want to get summation(total) of the columns in the secondary list.I hav used 'do_sum' but i couldnt there any other way to get summation(total) in secondary list which is an alv grid display
control break statements in ABAP?
What is the function of the transport system and workbench organizer? : abap data dictionary
what is Cross Applications?
1.In report, we should have to write events in sequential order or not,if we write events insequential then what will be the drawback and if we will sequential what will be the advantage. 2.what is the fucnction of end-of-selection even? if we would not write this event in report what will happen? event will trigger before the initialization,and at selection-screen event or after these two event.
In Dialog program Syntax of Synchronous and Asynchronous?
Why defining Logical systems?
What are some control break events in abap?