How to calculate the diesel generator efficiency? what
details are required to identify the running diesel
generator sets with 1000 kVA & 180 kVA?
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Answer / m.s.srinivasan
The diesel generating set efficiency is calculated interms
of units generated per liter of diesel consumed.
To monitor either you need to have a diesel flow meter
fitted in the supply as well as the return line after the
governer and the KWHr ( Units )generated.
For less accurate measurement a dip readings can be take
along with the units generated predetermined time.
Is This Answer Correct ? | 63 Yes | 33 No |
Answer / rajendra marathe
Efficiency is the ratio of Outpur/Input. In terms of
Generator, it is considered the efficiency is 80%. 1000KVA
is the Vertual power of Generator. KiloWatt is the actual
power of the generator.On basis of KW the ampere rating
load capacity is calculated. For 1000 KVA , KW is 800. The
ampere rating is =1000x KW/240 for Single phase and for 3
phase =1000xkw/440. The Efficiency can be calculated on the
basis of load ampere it can withstand.
Is This Answer Correct ? | 25 Yes | 14 No |
Answer / jag
The generator efficiency is calculated by units
generated/diesel consumed.
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Answer / faisal
Step 1
Determine the amount of fuel consumed in an hour by the generator. You can use a diesel fuel consumption chart to calculate how much fuel is used in an hour by generators of various sizes.
Step 2
Determine the total electrical power load consumed during an hour. This can be done by connecting a kilowatt-hour meter to the output of the generator, or by referencing the electrical output label on the generator.
Step 3
Convert the amount of fuel used to British Thermal Units, or BTUs. The Oak Ridge National Laboratory has a chart that has the number of BTUs in various types of fossil fuels.
Step 4
Convert the fuel's BTU value to kilowatt-hours by using the conversion factor of 1 kWh = 3413 BTU.
Step 5
Divide the output of the generator in kWh by the input value of the fuel used in kWh. Multiply this figure by 100 to express it as a percent.
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Answer / naresh kumar
dear all i want to know the effiency of 250kva dg set
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You did not say what efficiency, whether you get good KWH/ diesel consumption or whether the genset is loaded efficiently
Whatever, you need a KWH METER AND DIESEL CONSUMPTION METER.If you run your 1000KVA gen set for 20 hrs.your genset say at 0.8 pf it could have generated;
1000kva x 0.8 =800KWH per hr .SO FOR 20 Hrs s 16000KWH. If YOUR KWH generated reading says 12000kwh than your generator usage effiociency is 12000/16000 =75%
If the diesel consumption was 600ltrs than kwh/l is
12000/600 =20KWH/Litre diesel. you have to calculate seperately for both of them.
Is This Answer Correct ? | 36 Yes | 34 No |
Answer / sanat khan
# 4 Units generate/litres consumed
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# 1 The diesel generating set efficiency is calculated
of units generated per liter of diesel consumed.
To monitor either you need to have a diesel flow meter
fitted in the supply as well as the return line after the
governer and the KWHr ( Units )generated.
For less accurate measurement a dip readings can be take
along with the units generated predetermined time.
Thanks for Marking this Answer 0 M.s.srinivasan
Is This Answer Correct ? | 8 Yes | 9 No |
Answer / manjunatha ac
units generated/ diesel consumed
EX=1000 units generated /350 ltrs consumed
1000/350=3.5 IS dg efficiency.
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Answer / p prudvi krishna
dg set efficiency can be caluclated using forumala that number of units generated divided by total disel consumption ,
disel consumption include on time disel level + pumping during set running-offtime disel level any generator from 320 kva gives an average efficiency of 3.6 to3.8 units per litere
Is This Answer Correct ? | 3 Yes | 10 No |
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