What are the differences between application server and
central instance?
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Answer / abhilasha
Central instance is same as a dialog instance.Only it has
additional processes like message server and enqeue
server.thats why it is called as a central
instance.Otherwise no difference
Is This Answer Correct ? | 62 Yes | 13 No |
Answer / shahid
In central instance we have the messenging server the msg
server is responsible to communicate with the database,
in application server there will be dispathcher who is
responsible for appl server to central instance
Is This Answer Correct ? | 53 Yes | 17 No |
Answer / inder09
Central Instance need to have Message Server with 5 work
processes as follow
Message Server with DIA+BGD+ENQ+V1+SPO
Minimum work processes needed for a SAP server?
DIA:2{Every dispatcher requires at least two dialog work
BGD :2{At least two background work process, can configure
more than one per dispatcher}
ENQ:1{Only one enqueue work process is needed for each system}
Update(V1):1{At least one update work process, can have more
than one per dispatcher}
SPO :1{At least one spool work process, can have more than
one per dispatcher}
Message Server,Gateway Server and ICM these r not work processes
these r services
Is This Answer Correct ? | 29 Yes | 7 No |
Answer / kishen
The main difference between app server and CI is that the
former has message server that communicates with DB and
remaining app servers and also CI posses Enqueue work
process. An App server is a dialog instance meant for
serving the requests by interacting with DB through msg
server of CI. CI need not necessarily contain DB, both can
be in different systems, but in most environments DB and CI
will be in a single box called "DBCI".
Is This Answer Correct ? | 15 Yes | 5 No |
Answer / ravikumar suru
The Central instance is administrative unit that combines
all the components of sapsystem providing one or more
services to process user request, the component of central
instance are dispatcher, dialog,update,enqueue,batch,spool
with services like massage server,gateway service. The host
on which CI is configured is called as application server
so "CI and Application server both are one and the same".
Is This Answer Correct ? | 11 Yes | 5 No |
Answer / robin
CI contains Message service and Enque service but also
having Dialog, V1 and V2, Spool and BTC
But App. will not have the Message and Enque
App. server requires only when there is a concept called
logon load balance....without which there will be no use
with App.server.
All the time when the user try to loggin into SAP by using
logonpad, the user will get connect to CI only, since CI
contains Message Server, it will redirect the user request
where the resource available, means where the more dailog
processes are in waiting state.....whether in APP1 or APP2.
Is This Answer Correct ? | 4 Yes | 3 No |
Answer / gopi.m
Application Server:
Application Server is a collection of Dialog Work process
which is maintain for the load balancing for the End user
is the combination of Database instance and Disptatcher and
Message Server,Enqeue Server.
Which is running under one SId
Is This Answer Correct ? | 11 Yes | 11 No |
Answer / sekhar
The Central Instance will have the all the worker
processors like 1.dialog 2.background,3.enque 4.message
server and 5.spool work processor.
where as appliction server will have only dialog and
background work process
Is This Answer Correct ? | 4 Yes | 4 No |
Answer / ashish hans
ABAP application server execute abap application and
communicate with presentation component and database using
message server.ABAP application server include
dispatcher,gateway and shared memory.
central instance is a work area where message server,enque
work process execute.
Is This Answer Correct ? | 1 Yes | 1 No |
Answer / apurv anand
sap application is application server for user, in which we have any server's, among of them like basis.
central instance is like dialog instance, perform same usual like dialog. but it consists extra components like, enque and message server, before requesting to server, dialog instance communicate to central instance. after that request move to server.
Is This Answer Correct ? | 0 Yes | 0 No |
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