what is diff b/w user exits and cutomer exits
5 Answers Deloitte, iYogi Technical Services,
What commands are used to change database table entries ?
what is secondary index?
Does the table can have multiple foreign keys?
Have you worked with support? How ticket comes to you? What were the timings for resolving tickets types of severity?
What is generic buffering?
Explain what is step-loop? Explain all the steps?
what is Application server?
What are the data types of the abap/4 layer?
how can u highlight perticular row in report programming? please any one can tell me?
what is the difference between data: begin of ty_emp, eno type i, ename type string, dno type i, end of ty_emp. and types: begin of ty_emp, eno type i, ename type string, dno type i, end of ty_emp.
How do you find out who has transported a transport request?