What is generic buffering?
What are table clusters?
1.In report, we should have to write events in sequential order or not,if we write events insequential then what will be the drawback and if we will sequential what will be the advantage. 2.what is the fucnction of end-of-selection even? if we would not write this event in report what will happen? 3.top-of-page event will trigger before the initialization,and at selection-screen event or after these two event.
What are the different types of Views?
Why can we get the Function module when we activate the Smartform ?
What are the different window types in sapscript?
what are the Performance technic you used?
what is Composite key in table creation? what is the use?
2)what is the differnce between user exits and Badi
How would you debug custom programs at runtime?
Explain the difference between cluster tables and pool table?
What is Diff b/w Basic type and Message type?
What are the Text – elements inscripts. Where you declare this. What is the use to this.