How can one billing document type has 2 different number system? Basically if there are two documents belonging to same document type but for two different plants, then how come they both have different number system?
What is the importance of release status and dynamic field check in condition table/condition record?
Hi, experts pls answer this question, thanx in advance. if we create a functional specs for any enhancement, we need do give the approach on particular issue. could u explain how we need to find the issue and what is approach on this. for eg: if we want to copy PO no. from quotation into order,Here what is the way to find the include(routine) to create functional specs.
what is the most critical field in Delivery document (vl01n)
in automatic credit contrl we maintain the horizon period in months. but my client wants to maintain in days!!!! where can i change the requirement???????
Explain the Steps to setup a route?
In a Retail scenario there is a retail chain and it purchasing goods at mrp and selling at same mrp. There is a commision which is to be paid by the supplier to retailer only after sales. How will you do price determination in such case.
What are the differences between export sales and deemed export sales, explain with all related configuration steps?
In an Interview interviewer asked me "what are your responsibilities in the project(Support & Implementation). What exactly you do in the project". What can i reply for this question. Ply reply me anybody. Thanks in advance. Ramesh.
How the accounting document type RV will be configured and link to the billing document type.
Recently i am faced an interview. Interviewer asked me " after PGI what" ? and "after invoice what"? plz tell me anybody. thanks in advance.
What is Extract used in condition tech. in pricing.?
What is the difference between milestone and periodic billing???