What are the check tables?
What is database utility?
What are the data types of the external layer? : abap data dictionary
In a script, i want to print something at end of last page only.How can i print it?
what is function group? Difference between function group and FM?
The data of a view is not physically stored, but derived from one or more tables (t/f) : abap data dictionary
What is netweaver???what is the relationship with ABAP?
What are the differences between table controls and step loops?
There is a delivery that is being created through the ABAP code and in the middle it says delivery created but someone is modifying , how would you rectify this issue
what is the use of protect / end protect control command in the scripts?
what is the difference between at line selection and at line selection on field.
What are IDOCs?
Suppose in the Report Program I want to pass data to another Report Program ..how will you do that one?