Explain the different types of data dictionary objects?
how to trasfert script from one server to another server or one clint to another clint
For particular transaction you want to upload the data using any of bdc method...if the transaction contains any of pop window functionaliy and having radio button in the window..Any one of the radio button must be selected then only the next data can be inserted how will you handle this scenario in your program
how do you pass table to function module?
What is the typical structure of an ABAP/4 program?
What are system fields for secondary lists?
why we have to define function group?
what is OSS?please answer if anybody knows
Can a constructor be redefined?
what will happen if you don't give occurs clause while creating an internal table?
What are the Control levels in internal tables?
hi this is ramu.my question is :set-screen,call-screen and leave screen differences and when we use those statement while implimenting code.please help me .iam in trails now..
What is the difference between sy-tabix and sy-index? Where it is used?