hi this is ramu.my question is :set-screen,call-screen and
leave screen differences and when we use those statement
while implimenting code.please help me .iam in trails now..
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Answer / joyal joy
when call-screen is given the control is transferred to the
screen number that has been specified along with call-
screen and once the execution of the called screen is
completed the control returns to the statement just below
the call-screen statement.
set-screen changes the current screen number to the number
with the screen number specified with set-screen but the
control is transferred only when the leave screen statement
is encountered here the it is different from call-screen as
the control doesnt get transferred back to the calling
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Answer / x
when u r calling a screen dynamically,we have to use the call screen keyword.so the control will return to the statement where it was called for.
but when we are calling a screen statically we are using set screen keyword.and here for back to the statement from where the screen was called, we have to use the leave to screen keyword.
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Answer / karthik
With SET SCREEN current screen simply specifies the next
screen in the chain and control branches to the next screen
as the current screen has been processed.
If we want to branch to the next screen with out finishing
the current one then use LEAVE SCREEN.
With CALL SCREEN the current(calling) chain is suspended
and a next screen is called.The called can then return to
the suspended chain with the statement LEAVE SCREEN TO SCREEN 0.
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