How you can create consignment stocks?
what is the reference for MB51 and MB41?
What is the interaction between sap mm and sap abap consultant and how does they interact?
In subcontracting process, BOM is created for a material.Though PO created for same material,BOM do not trigger in PO, why?
What are the differences between release procedure with classification and release procedure without classification? When are they used?
What unique insight into this upgrade does infotrellis have that other vendors don’t have?
Explain the importance of the batch record?
What is a ‘return delivery’?
Explain how is the vendor return processed without a purchase order reference?
How will you transport release strategy from quality server to production server? Will you transport it from one server to another?
What transaction code is used to convert planned orders (po) into requisitions in material requirement planning (mrp)?
What is the class type? How will you configure a class type?
Is there any difference between "Blocked Stock" and "GR Blocked Stock"? I read that: GR Blocked Stock is always non-valuated, while Blocked Stock inventory can be Valuated. Is this true? Please explain this while answering if the two terms are same or different.