What is the class type? How will you configure a class type?
Why is sap so popular?
which transation evet key in cin
What is the difference between LSMW and CATT?
How do I stop purchase requisition for stock material replinishments (MRP) from going through a release strategy?
Why are material master records used in sap?
In which condition, "Batch Management" is "deactivated" from material master? Or, why do we deactivate Batch management for a material?
i want to KNOW ABOUT Relaince institute in HYDERABAD for SAP MM. can any one from this institute please tell me ABOUT the faculty and course in SAP MM in Relaince Hyderabad. Paying 25000 is worth of or not? faculty having real time experince and he will teach advanced topics in SAP MM?
Q. How do you plan for a vendor rating system and move about?
What is purpose of shelf life? What are business benefits of using it in sap mm?
How you can create consignment stocks?
What is meant by scales? Can scales be used in standard purchase order?
In blanket po we do not define the particular deptt where the material consumed, now we do the miro payment settlement , so my question that how to identify the consumed mat after sap that which deptt use this same?