What is the manager’s desktop?
How many ways can we run depericiation in live environment?
what is key or knowledge data structure??? does any one have a format of it for hr???....help needed on early basis....
What is processes and organization?
What is matchcode w?
What is the taxation you used for USA.
What is the pay scale structure?
What is processing class?
Which elements determine the enterprise structure for personnel administration?
There is one person but its displaying that this person cannot be booked. He is not available for the business event. Can you tell me where is it going wrong? What can be the reasons?
How do you identify the different info types of wage types.
In Over time scenarios we have TW15 subschema,my doubt is it's work for positive time or negetive time,if it is negetive ,In pa30 how to maintain hours in 2002 with attendence type ,my doubt is few hours like 14 or my dws is 8 hours(S) and 6 hrs in 2002 how and how the pcr's work please explain me anybody......
what is the differene between a view and table? for eg what is v_512w and T_512w? what are the transaction codes for both?