What actually happens in real-time recruitment? : sap abap hr
how many blocks can create in a ALV BLOCK LIST in ABAP?
I am uploading 100 records out of which say 59th record has error so what will happen if I am using synchronous or asynchronous method of bdc? Can we update the database using local update mode how? : abap bdc
Do you know any other patterns if yes.. explain
Why do we use Abstract classes give an example from your project?
Why first check bapi , if not available go bdc ?
what is difference b/w sap 4.7e and ecc6.0 ?
when a material is created through BDC, does it add the created material in mara table?Or else where the material created is stored?(In which table?)
Can we create Enhancements of our own, i.e. customer defined?
how to create lock object
2 Answers IBM, Thomson Reuters,
difference between the workarea and headerline.plz tell me the answer
can we create secondary index for views?