Do you know any other patterns if yes.. explain
How to process the session dynamically?
When is the top-of-page event triggered? : abap data dictionary
How to type casting in OOPS ABAP and ABAP ?
how to create lock object
i have a requirement that design window in layout of smartforms but when we print smartforms window should not be printed?
There is a situation where there is a field "MATERIAL DESCRIPTION" in say 20 display only transaction. You want that whenever user opens any of these transaction, this particular field is masked with ****. But table does not holds ****. It holds the actual value. What are different ways of doing it? Which is the best way.
How can you distinguish between different kinds of parameters?
Sal abap on hana interview
What are the differences between transparent tables, pooled tables & cluster tables? : abap data dictionary
What is the difference b/t Session method and call transaction method ??
1 Answers Campus Interview, ERP Solutions,
Table maintainence -- Transaction Code?
How to eliminate duplicate entries in internal tables?