I am uploading 100 records out of which say 59th record has error so what will happen if I am using synchronous or asynchronous method of bdc? Can we update the database using local update mode how? : abap bdc
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hi friends, while sending idoc's to receiving system,i got msg type 3 and 12 in sender side.but in receiving side while executing we02 ,i am getting error 'no idocs selected' instead of getting msg type 53.here i am simply sending one material from one client to other client.if anybody knows that problem ky revert back.
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which table stores the online messages?
Hi all Could u please tell me the answers for following questions, Why we need IDocs...? What is the purpose of IDocs...? Thanks in Advance, Sanjeev.K
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am facing problem in inserting multiple data from user defined selection screen to internal table can anyone tel me any small code tht can insert multple data from screen to inernal table. thanks in advance.
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Can u give some master data in MM and SD
2 Answers Cap Gemini, SAP Labs,
How to reprocess the failed IDOC? How wil u know idoc is failed?What are tcodes?
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