where can u find user-exits & bapi?
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Goto to the table tstc and enter the transaction code for
which u want to find out the User-Exits. Check out the
program name from the result. Goto SE38 and dee that
program in display mode. Then search for the string Call
Cutomer-Funtion. All the result of search are the user
exits defined there for that transaction.
Goto the transaction and check the system->Status->Dbl
Click on Transaction->Dbl Clk on Package-> Chk out the app
component (say SALES). Goto transaction BAPI, then chk out
sales and distribution->sales->salesorder-> open any
business methods and there you can find the BAPI names and
u can see them by dbl clcking on them
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Answer / muthuraj
Goto the transaction and check the system->Status-> program
name. doule click the program name. where u can find the
string CL_EXITHANDLER. there u can find the bapi
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