Can we set page headers to details lists?
Does SAP handle multiple currencies? Multiple languages?
How many servers present for Database servers,Presentation and Application servers in Landscape? All these servers are present at client side or company side,means where the Database server is Located, where the Application and Presentation servers Located in a Landscape?
What is an update task? : abap modularization
How will you add search help in a program
What are the modes in lock objects? : sap abap data dictionary
Does sap handle multiple languages?
Explain about interactive report?
how many subscreens we can create in a main screen?
difference between bapi and lsmw
What are the components in sap application server?
to find an enhancement we will go to smod and check with the given package. but how can we know that a particular funx exit is used for particular enhancement( for eg: mm06e005 for mm22n screen exit.) will it be given by SD people or we have to find it?
Can we develop program without logical database for hr module data retrieval