Give examples of transparent table?
in select _upto N ROWS IF N=0 THEN------------------are rows are selected?
What is the difference between getting and get late?
what are obsolete function modules FROM version 4.5b to ECC 6.
How to delete the field created using APPEND STRUCTURE (.APPEND)
how will u handle multiple line items in a table control?
why to create a custom BAPI if the BAPI already exists? y to find BAPI again? frankly even i dint undstnd tne question properly. if any one come across this q please do anser me.
what is difference between (internal table types)standard table and sorted table in sap abap....
The commands through which an abap/4 module can “branch to “ or “call” the next screen are?
What are the update types possible? : abap data dictionary
What is a function group?
What is the function of a data element? : abap data dictionary
What are the Different Types of tickets in Realtime Scenario ?