How many types of work processes are there in sap ?
how do u configure cua?
1 Answers Cap Gemini, CGI, GSS,
What is the difference between pfile and spfile?
Example you have 6 sap application servers, I want to monitor all the application servers. How to configure a CCMS?
In the Sap Easy Access Menu I see the menu System -> User Profiles ->Own Data. Other options Hold Data is to keep data values that you have entered in a field of an application for the duration of the session; SET DATA not to overwrite the data and DELETE DATA to delete the set data. Can somebody explain me the Hold Data, Set Data and Delete Data with examples, i mean giving an example of fields?
Explain the process of Logon Load balancing.
If i want to increase Dialog WP in process what is the procedure to increase the Dialog WP?
Hi I am new in this forum and in this practice. can anyone help me out in finding out how to get training material for SAP CRM 2007.
Difference between system copy and client copy?
After applying snote..If something goes wrong is it possible to deactivate/roll back to last applaid snote....If yes, how?
i work on sap 4.6c sap r/3,what happens is my sap mmc starts up,database startsup,message server startsup and also the dispatcher,but all the workprocess remain in running state,and they never come to waiting state? Can anyone help me out?
One user unable to execute one t-code, that is authorization object is missing, How to add this authorization object to user?
What is the easiest way to find out if the server is production?