If i want to increase Dialog WP in process what is the
procedure to increase the Dialog WP?
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Answer / rahul
hello Buddy,
if you want to increase any work process it's a static, so
you need to do change below parameter using T-code RZ10.
in this scenario u need system restart.
Profile parameter rdisp/wp_no_dia=X(x is ur dialog work
process number).
Note: the no of dialog work process should be equal or more
than other non-dialog work process.
same as above we can change remaining work process:
rdisp/wp_no_btc (Background).
rdisp/wp_no_up( update)
rdisp/wp_no_up2(update 2).
hope above info useful for you.
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We can increase the work process in two was.
1.On application leve 2. On os level
1.Application level
-->Run the T-code RZ10 and import the instanance profile which are active on the system.
-->Choose extended administration and choose the parameters which are mentioned below.
rdisp/wp_no_dia=X(X enter how many you required).
Note:-The dialog wp are always grater then non-dialog workprocess
2.On Os level
-->Log in the user as <SID>adm.
-->Navigate to instanance profile path
-->Open the instanance profile and edit the below parameter.
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