How do you set up background jobs in sap? What are the steps?
What is the use of buffering?
How you attach search help to data element? : sap abap data dictionary
What is meant by payscale structure? How did you configure pay scale structure? : sap abap hr
how to migrate standard text in sap script to smart form?
What is bdc? : abap bdc
How to transfer legacy data into base tables by scheduling a time frame using bdc?
how to upload logo in the smart forms
How to Split one delivery into many ( Step by Step)?
how to search for a badi?
in scripts 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10.............50 pages.then i want only 4 to 50 how it is possible?ans also iwant only 1,3,5,7,9 it is possible?
How to transfer data which is coming from are report as output to another report
Suppose in the Report Program I want to pass data to another Report Program will you do that one?